Design & Illustration Studio


My First Design Job in San Francisco


A year ago, I took a major leap. I am originally from a very tropical paradise, the Philippines. Two months after finishing my bachelor’s degree in Advertising Arts, I found myself moving to another country I’m not entirely comfortable with. Of all the cities out there, I chose to live near San Francisco.

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Why I moved?

Economy in my home country wasn’t reliable. Without a doubt, it’s so much better here career and lifestyle-wise. I never wanted to move, but I couldn’t just let a big opportunity like that pass by. I braced myself and took the leap in the hopes of having a better career ahead of me, and I did. There were many sacrifices and it took me a long time to appreciate this place. I think if I hadn’t left Philippines, I’d still be struggling to survive.

Was it hard finding a design job?

I remember the first company I applied in — Google. Yup, I didn’t get in! It was a bummer, but it was totally okay. I knew that tech industries are very competitive. After 2 months of re-writing cover letters and sending portfolios, I got an internship in a company whose advocacy mattered the most.

What was your first job?

GlobeIn was the first company that welcomed me wholeheartedly. I got an internship where I handled the company’s design, photography, and social media. I then became their Graphic Design and Photography Manager. I’m still working with them now, and I’m happy that the team is growing and always evolving!

What is GlobeIn?

Well, we’re a subscription box company that sell unique goods that are hand made by artisans from developing countries. The mission is all about fair trade — we aim to alleviate poverty through giving these communities access to the global market, as well as paying them fair wages. It’s a beautiful business model that empowers artisans, and supports different culture and arts. You can visit the our artisan shop here!

What was the most memorable experience?

One perk of working at GlobeIn is that I get to travel with them every year. I was able to visit the basket weavers in Oaxaca, Mexico. We went to their village in San Cristobal and it was an emotional experience for me.

What are your career goals at the moment?

I still can’t decide if I want to be a full-time illustrator, or a creative/ art director. Maybe I can be both! I also want to open my own artsy online business, and be able to earn a living out of it. As of now, please do visit my etsy shop!

What are your personal goals?

To be happy! I want to live a life not dwelling on what I don’t have, or having doubts about doing what I want to do. I want to be a free-spirited bird — accepting, learning, and growing with change.

Do you have any career advice for someone who just moved to the US?

Yes. I’ve heard some elders telling me that my education is irrelevant because I graduated outside the US. I’d like to disagree with that mindset. Although, this is situational. I can only voice out my opinions about the creative industry.

I had the chance to hire an intern, and what really mattered the most while I was looking for the perfect candidate was their portfolio. Second is their work ethic, and the final aspect to consider is their personality. The rest didn’t matter if you’ve aced all those three. I have not encountered any racism yet when i was applying, and I still believe that San Francisco is all about equality.

You just have to work harder. Be professional. Be confident, but not cocky. Always have a positive mindset, and know that there are a billion ways in achieving your goals.

♡ with love and sunshine,

Reese Firmacion1 Comment