Event Branding: MavenCon
MavenCon — an annual conference happening at Austin, Texas that is aimed to celebrate the community that GlobeIn built. This event will cover topics about fair trade, ethical, and sustainable living.
visit mavencon.globein.com — to view event details and purchase tickets!
Mavencon 2019:
GlobeIn’s first Mavencon happened in October 2019 in San Francisco. The original branding colors were peach and teal, with pastel-colored organic shapes and illustrations. It was an honor to conceptualize the branding for this event — logo, posters, and booklet!
Over two amazing days, we brought our Maven community into real life to celebrate the impact that we have created together. Watch the video for the event re-cap!
Project Head: Wynn Kwan & Liza Moiseeva | Event Branding & Promotional Materials: Reese Firmacion | Illustrations: Reese Firmacion & Allyana Lopez